Friday, February 27, 2009

5. I enjoy just hanging out at someone's house with good company more than going out to a place where there are a lot of people around.

haha I'm not sure if that even makes sense to anyone. Anyways, a lot of times I find myself being more excited to hang out at someone's house with my closest friends than going somewhere. Let me clarify why! I was thinking about it, and I think the reason is that I miss high school. Some people might be asking me why I miss high school. I miss high school not because of the classes, but mainly the fact that you get to see all your friends every single day and you don't get sick of them. You get to do everything together. That does sound kind of weird and clingy BUT I DONT MEAN IT THAT WAY AT ALL. I just miss it. To compare the two, I would way rather prefer a nice summer night at Steph Lo's or Stacey's house to go swimming than sit at AU79 (no offense to you kiddos) LOL I love playing Cranium at anyone's house. Well, don't get me wrong, going out can always be fun, but at the same time it can be potentially disastrous. So, staying in with your favorite people takes the cake for me.

Sadly, I didn't have a lot of time this week to update. Therefore, I didn't get to have a new "Friend of the Week" this week! I'll have one up by this weekend or I'll post two for next week. We'll see, but next week will be freakin Week 9 already. THAT IS NUTS. I'm going to have to try really hard to force myself to do all the reading I can because I know I won't be doing any of that next weekend. ;) *hint hint* haha if any of you know what that means. I feel like this update is really boring. It's Friday night, and I am at hom
e. Yes, home sweet home. I won't talk too much about it though because Steph and Jeff might get too jealous and then be angry with me. I'll just brag a little bit that tomorrow is supposed to be 80 degrees. BUT partly cloudy. So I guess that's the down side of tomorrow. It will be a busy day and hopefully I'll have a nice picture to post from my little sad phone.

I really want a puppy. And with that I will leave you with this

How can you not fall in love with that face and that soft fur? I wish I had one. My cousin and his wife just got that little cutie, and his name is Cooper. I'm so jealous!!!

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