Saturday, February 14, 2009

2. I absolutely can NOT watch scary movies.

I know a lot of people say they get scared, but you don't understand. When I watch scary movies, i start to get really nervous and then I try to calm myself down. Then, all of a sudden I start to get panic and get INSANELY scared that my heart starts beating really fast and I just can't bear to watch anymore. It has gotten so bad before, that I only watched less than 10 minutes of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and that night, I got so scared I couldn't sleep. I had a theory that maybe I could just make myself tired enough just to fall asleep. I thought I was tired enough, and went to be around 12 midnightish.. and I woke up suddenly around 3am... except I didn't know it was 3 and I all of a sudden got really nervous and scared because of what I watched. I couldn't turn off the lights and lie down without thinking about the scene in my head. Anyways, I shamelessly walked over to my parents' bedroom and asked my dad if I could sleep with my mom. HAHAHA sad I know. And my mom always gets mad at me because she knows I can't handle it. She told me to not watch scary movies anymore because those movies are dark and it's not good for my heart.

Other random scary stories:
- When I first watched The Exorcist in the theater, I could barely watch it. That night, I couldn't sleep and the next day I got fever and couldn't go to school.
- After I watched The Ring, I slept with my mom for the next week. HAHA :)

I don't like anything scary PERIOD. Sometimes I wish I could just take it and watch those things, but at the same time I don't really care and I don't really care if people make fun of me. I can't help it if i get really ridiculously scared. haha so, if you ever want to watch a movie with me, please choose something within these genres:

Romantic Comedy
Drama (Some)

and that's about it. I'm going to update about Valentine's Day later.. because it is February 14 :)

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