Wednesday, March 25, 2009

*Insert Fruit Name Here* Mojito

YUMM. Raspberry Mojito at Wood Ranch. I went there for dinner with my parents and my brother for a late celebration of mine and Matt's birthday! I ordered it an my mom was really confused because she didn't know what it was. Then later she ate one of the mint leaves. HAHAHA it was funny. I pretty much shared it with her. I was SO FULL and I was just sitting there when she was all asking if I felt hot, or if I was drunk!!! HAHAHA it was really funny :]. My dad and her both said they've never actually gotten drunk before. Too bad this drink was so little. :[

I don't know why I like mojitos so much. Maybe it's because of the refreshing mint at the end and it's light citrus taste. At Crane Sushi Stacey, E-Ling, and I would order their French Mojito. It consisted of a regular mojito but with some mysterious purple liquid that was really good. The other night when I was at Neomeze with Joanne, Fiona, and Vince I had a Carribbean Mojito. That was probably the best drink of the night. YUMM. I have heard that in vegas they have Strawberry Mojitos somewhere and I REALLY want to try that. Just sounds so good and refreshing doesn't it?

I'm thirsty now. :D

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